Είτε λατρεύεις τη yoga και ψάχνεις μονίμως για yogis που μπορείς να ακολουθήσεις στο Instagram, είτε ψάχνεις απλώς για έμπνευση για τις δικές σου προπονήσεις, αυτοί οι λογαριασμοί θα σε γοητεύσουν.
Dedicated my morning practice to you. Yes, you. Yeah, you. 5 years ago today we uploaded the first Yoga With Adriene video. Never in my wildest of dreams did I believe that I would be apart of such a worldwide community. September is National Yoga Month, a national observance designated by the Department of Health & Human Services. I know it doesn't seem like much but I find it synchronistic that it's also the month where we plug into why we started this thing and bravely walk through the doors that are opening. Yoga month is designed to educate about the health benefits of yoga and to inspire a healthy lifestyle. Yoga With Adriene is about getting free yoga to as many people as possible because everyone deserves to have the tools to create a life that knows good, feels good, that provides you with the energy and relationship to ease that you need to find your contribution to humanity. Like, woah. Today we officially kick off yoga month, which around these parts we are celebrating with an ode to SELF LOVE. Our monthly calendars are free and available for all to practice with! Today, we practice "Birthday Yoga" as a way of toasting to what we have made, TOGETHER. Thank you my friends, new and old, happy and sad, small and big, dark and light, sweet or salty, tired and pumped. We are one. HAPPY 5th! To party down, I invite you to visit and follow @fwfglife! Per your request, a place to share the practice, to laugh, to get motivated, to feel supported and to celebrate the magic that is this community. #yogawithadriene #findwhatfeelsgood #ywahomepractice #fwfglife
A post shared by Adriene Mishler (@adrienelouise) on Sep 5, 2017 at 7:42am PDT
Η Adriene λατρεύει τη yoga και συχνά συμμετέχει σε φεστιβάλ, ενώ, εκτός από την ίδια, πρωταγωνιστής στο Instagram account της είναι ο αγαπημένος της σκύλος, ο Benji. Παράλληλα, μπορείς να κάνεις subscribe στο κανάλι της στο youtube και να ξεκινήσεις να ασκείσαι μαζί της από το σπίτι σου.
I’m thankful for all the BAD in my life ??? This isn’t something we hear or say quite often, but a phrase I have been thinking about a lot lately. ? My life has been filled with ups, downs, good times and bad. Naturally I always want to and try to focus on the good in my life, however lately I’ve been really reflecting on the “bad” in the course of my life because it has shaped me to be the person I am today. ? I’m thankful for the hard life lessons, I’m thankful for the disappointments, I’m thankful for people who have hurt me, and thankful for the down moments. I’ve learned you can’t feel joy with pain, you can’t have success without failure, and you can’t fully appreciate how amazing the people in your life are without some disappointments from others. I truly believe doors closing in our face only means bigger, better and more beautiful doors are going to open. I want to remind you this thanksgiving to be thankful for every aspect of your life, and to remember you are living the life right now you are thankful for, because of the good and bad things that have happened to you. ? Going into this new year, when something bad happens, truly focus on how you can make it into a positive and don’t let anything make you feel your life is not worth being thankful for. ?? ?? I want to end this caption by just telling you how thankful I am for every single one of you. Comment below where you are spending the holiday (and something bad in your life you’re thankful for!) I love talking with you in the comments below! Xo Melis ? ? by the amazing @ashleystreff — #yoga #thankful #thanksgiving #yogi #losangeles
A post shared by Melissa Eckman (@melisfit_) on Nov 22, 2017 at 9:47am PST
Πρώην υπάλληλος λογιστηρίου, η Melissa λατρεύει τη yoga. Στον λογαριασμό της στο Instagram θα βρεις όμως επίσης healthy και beauty tips.
Εκτός από ένα Instagram account γεμάτο με εντυπωσιακές στάσεις yoga, η Ashley έχει και το δικό της site, ashleygalvinyoga.com, στο οποίο μπορείς να βρεις από online δυνατές full body προπονήσεις μέχρι ασκήσεις ευλυγισίας και ισορροπίας.
Με boho διάθεση, και με τη βοήθεια του συντρόφου της, Pablo, η Hannah θα σε εμπνεύσει όχι μόνο να αγαπήσεις περισσότερο τη yoga αλλά και να αποκτήσεις ένα αξιολάτρευτο σκύλο σαν τον Nalu.