Με καταγωγή από τη Ρουμανία, η φωτογράφος Mihaela Noroc αφιέρωσε τα τελευταία 4 χρόνια της ζωής της σε ένα ιδιαίτερα ενδιαφέρον project: Ταξίδεψε σε 53 χώρες ανά τον κόσμο για να φωτογραφίσει τη γυναικεία ομορφιά σε διάφορα σημεία του πλανήτη. Τράβηξε περισσότερα από 2000 πορτρέτα, 500 από τα οποία συμπεριέλαβε στο βιβλίο της με τίτλο «The Atlas of Beauty: Women of the World in 500 Portraits», που κυκλοφόρησε στις 26 Σεπτεμβρίου.
«Δεν ξέρω αν το βιβλίο θα είναι επιτυχημένο, αλλά ξέρω ότι έβαλα σε αυτή τη δουλειά όλες μου τις δυνάμεις, όλο μου τον χρόνο και όλο το πάθος μου και είμαι πραγματικά ευγνώμων που είχα την ευκαιρία να το κάνω» λέει η ίδια. Εμείς διαλέξαμε 22 πορτρέτα από το instagram account @the.atlas.of.beauty και κάνουμε μαζί της τον γύρο του κόσμου, γνωρίζοντας λίγο καλύτερα τη γυναικεία ομορφιά, που δεν γνωρίζει χρώμα, θρησκεία ή εθνικότητα.
Cornelia is a two times cancer survivor. I photographed her a few days ago next to the remnant of the Berlin wall. It was the fall of this wall that made her move to the capital of Germany in the early 90s. She was a young journalist from the Western part of the country and Berlin was the place to be for her. As a journalist, Cornelia witnessed many historical events. At the same time, she gave birth to two beautiful children and always had a healthy lifestyle. But 8 years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer, for the first time. This terrible disease affects millions of women, all over the world. After a lot of suffering and struggles, Cornelia defeated the cancer. Then, two years ago she was again diagnosed with the same disease. And again, she beat it. Today Cornelia feels privileged for every second of her life. She enjoys the sun and the rain, the hot days and the cold days, while riding her bicycle around Berlin. She encourages her children to make to most of their life, to travel the world, help people in need, learn foreign languages and understand the diverse cultures of this beautiful planet. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #AroundTheWorld #Berlin
A post shared by The Atlas Of Beauty (@the.atlas.of.beauty) on Jul 25, 2016 at 10:04am PDT
Tutku is from Istanbul, Turkey. She experienced many heart breaking moments in her life, but her positive spirit always gave her the strength to move forward. Her mother had several miscarriages before giving birth to her. When she was a child, her father paralysed and Tutku had to start working for a living at an early age. Her determination paid off and a few years ago she became a chef. But again life hit her hard. One day Tutku totally lost her hearing. She went to many doctors but her case seemed hopeless. “Once, I was staying on my balcony. And I closed my eyes and said to myself: If, when I will open my eyes, I will see at least a bird on the sky that means I will hear again. I was afraid to open my teary eyes and I stayed a long time like that. When I finally had the courage to look on the sky, I saw two birds.” After a while Tutku received an innovative implant that provides a sense of sound. Now she can work again, as a chef, but her hearing is still weak and that’s a huge challenge in a busy restaurant. But Tutku didn’t complain, when we met. In the contrary: She was grateful for every second of her new life. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #AroundTheWorld #Turkey
A post shared by The Atlas Of Beauty (@the.atlas.of.beauty) on Sep 22, 2017 at 9:29am PDT
Η Mihaela Noroc στην Ελλάδα: